Online searchable record of horses & ponies in any equestrian sport
5 minutes and $5 is all it takes to be in.
No paperwork ... do it all online.
The NZ Sport Horse Register is working in partnership with Main-Events.com using their underlying SQL database to provide functionality to drive the searchable database.
You start by clicking on Register your equine button above
or directly online at Main-Events.com

The Register is a first step listing with essential details that we should all know about. Name, colour, gender, DOB, breed, breeder, sire, dam & sire of dam. It takes 5 minutes to get the job done.

Stallion Register
More on this later ... but watch this space as we will be providing lists of stallions out there with links back to the studs concerned. A mare owners treasure house!

The Studbook will be launched over the winter once rules & regulations have been sorted. It will be a performance based studbook which recognises top performers no matter what their bloodlines. It is a start!